Are we going to work together or are we going to ignore the obvious? It is funny how over 100 companies have focused on developing a vaccine to COVID19 and the race to find the winner is currently being played out in the public arena. It is not funny watching millions of people being affected and seeing a global tragedy unfold on a daily basis. We are asked to all do our part. Well here is my two cents worth, and the part I wish to play. We already have products that will be of benefit to people who have caught the virus. What are they and where can you get your hands on them? The difficulty is the cost of product registration and manufacture is high and the clinical evaluation needed to make therapeutic claims takes a considerable length of time so the regulations that are there to protect people also hidden access to potential therapeutics for COVID19. Pharmaceutical companies spend millions on developing novel products that they can capture the intellectual property and have market exclusivity, which allows them to charge heaps for the complex science-driven products that require much energy and effort to develop.
The recent Oxford University study showing that honey is good for upper respiratory tract infections and does not have the added complications of the development of antibiotic resistance means using honey as a potential COVID19 treatment is what I had proposed in a couple of funding proposals to the New Zealand Government. My logic to this approach is based on the identification of the mode of action of how Manuka honey produces antibiotic like properties but prevents antibiotic resistance development. Honey's antiviral properties have been shown by others and with the mechanism known it should be straight forward to create an inhalation form of the active ingredient. So that is what I have focused on.
The active site of the SARS-COV2 MPro enzyme has a thiol. It is known in the literature that MGO methylglyoxal reacts reversibly with thiols or cysteine residues and therefore it is plausible that MGO could react with and reversibly inhibit SARS-COV2 MPro enzyme due to its active site thiol residue. Has anyone tested this? I do not know. But I do have an inhalable form of Manuka honey bioactive and I will be testing this to see. Would you like to help? If so get in touch.
There are a couple of other bits of evidence that point that my approach is feasible and worth trying. 1) The active ingredient in Manuka honey, the hydroxyl radical, has been used to kill bacteria and viruses with a 99.99% kill rate using hydroxyl generators that are used in the diaster industry after a fire to remove volatile compounds that make people unwell.
The mode of action in Manuka honey that I discovered back in 2013 was photo-fenton chemistry and the production of hydroxyl from light coupled to hydrogen peroxide oxidation in the honey due to glucose oxidase generation but this step is blocked in Manuka honey because MGO inhibits this enzyme so only half the photo-reduction oxidation system is functional in Manuka honey. I have taken advantage of this fact as without the oxidation step the system is primed for hydroxyl radical generation in our body when it comes into contact with hydrogen peroxide inside an inflammatory cell. This oxidation step is the key to turning off inflammation and potentially the cytokine storm responsible for death in those responding badly to COVID19, when the body's immune system gets out of control.
If you would support my natural remedy approach to treating COVID19 then get in touch. I will keep you updated with my findings as I move forward.
1 comment
Excellent article, Keryn. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.